ACORE, Advanced Energy Economy Helping DOD To Deploy Renewable Energy


The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) and Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) have formed a partnership to explore how renewable energy can help the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) achieve mission objectives, save taxpayer money and reduce the risks associated with reliance on fossil fuels.

The two organizations announced a multi-part forum series that will be held throughout this year in collaboration with the DOD to help increase U.S. military effectiveness through the integration and deployment of renewable energy solutions. Key areas of focus identified by the DOD include technological and financial opportunities and challenges related to the expanded use of renewable energy in support of national defense.

‘Our armed forces know the dangers of overdependence on oil better than anyone, and advanced energy companies stand ready to help the Defense Department meet its energy needs in new ways,’ says Nick d'Arbeloff, president of regional development and national programs for Advanced Energy Economy. ‘Renewable energy is an important part of the answer, along with energy efficiency and energy management technologies.’

The DOD has pledged to draw 25% of its energy from renewable sources by 2025, and as mentioned in President Obama's State of the Union address, the Navy will purchase enough clean energy capacity to power a quarter of a million homes a year.

Following the forum series, ACORE and AEE will establish a member-led initiative to support continued collaboration between DOD and the advanced energy industry through activities such as market, technology, procurement and policy analysis; meetings; conferences; and communications.

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