4-H, 3M Partner To Create Wind Program


National 4-H Council and the 3M Foundation have announced their strategic partnership to launch the Power of the Wind, an educational resource that teaches youth how to use engineering principles to design and build alternative energy projects, utilizing wind as the primary resource.

This new national curriculum is funded by a $500,000 grant from the 3M Foundation. 4-H, part of the Cooperative Extension System of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, will also launch the Power of the Wind Online to provide multimedia resources and activities that supplement the curriculum and enable 4-H youth to engage in alternative energy issues.

‘The Power of Wind is an exciting addition to our existing hands-on programming in science, engineering and technology and will help us reach our goal of fostering one million new scientists over the next five years,’ says Donald T. Floyd, Jr., president and CEO of the National 4-H Council.

The Power of the Wind curriculum is currently being piloted nationally in six sites.

SOURCE: National 4-H Council

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