In the recent power supply tender, wpd has been awarded contracts for three wind farms for a total of 350 MW. Specifically, the contracts called for 786.8 GWh a year over 20 years starting in 2021, wpd says.
As previously reported, 84 companies made offers in this energy auction, called by the National Energy Commission in May 2015. The total energy offered for tender was 12,430 GWh per year, equivalent to approximately 30% of the consumption of regulated market customers from 2021.
According to wpd, the wind farms are located in the south of the country and feature more than 100 turbines. As reported, the facilities include the Malleco Wind Farm, located in the commune of Collipulli, in the Araucania Region; the Negrete Windfarm, in the commune of Negrete, Biobio Region; and the Duqueco Windfarm, in the district of Los Angeles, Biobio Region.
wpd Chile SpA, a subsidiary of the German group wpd, develops and operates wind farms with an installed capacity of 3,600 MW capacity in 18 countries.