Wind Advocacy Group Takes Action In North Dakota


Pro-wind group American Wind Action (AWA) has announced a new public education campaign in North Dakota.

AWA, an independent and bipartisan organization, is executing a six-figure broadcast and cable TV buy, in addition to a statewide digital video ad. They will run through the beginning of April.

According to the group, the campaign will educate the public on the social, environmental and economic benefits of wind energy.

Sam Enfield and Jeff Clark, two members of AWA’s board of directors, issued a joint statement on the launch:

“North Dakota has incredible potential when it comes to wind development. Wind power in North Dakota is already creating a better economy, adding more jobs for this generation and the next. Increasing wind power is a bipartisan issue that has universal appeal because it lowers energy prices for consumers – making the state more attractive for high-tech manufacturing and other industries.”

Last June, AWA announced its formation, the appointment of a board, and an initial 2016 seven-figure budget that was used to educate the public about wind development.

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