WEICan Releases Report On Vindicator LWS


The Wind Energy Institute of Canada (WEICan) has released its preliminary test report on Catch the Wind Ltd.'s Vindicator laser wind sensor (LWS) at the 24th Annual Conference of the Canadian Wind Energy Association in Vancouver, British Columbia. Earlier this month, the LWS unit began phase one of WEICan's research development and demonstration program at its test facility at North Cape, Prince Edward Island.

The objective of phase one is to establish correlation of Vindicator LWS wind data with various standard wind industry anemometry wind speed and direction sensors.
Phase two of WEICan incorporates the Vindicator LWS into the controls of a Windmatic 65 kW wind turbine at WEICan's North Cape facility, with the objective of demonstrating the impact of integrating the unit's look-ahead and wind sensing capabilities into a turbine's control system.

‘With the development of the Vindicator LWS, we have achieved a major milestone in the evolution of wind turbine technology and significantly advanced the growth of its operations,’ said Phil Rogers, president and CEO of Catch the Wind and inventor of the Vindicator LWS. ‘To our knowledge, this is the first time in the history of our industry that a laser wind sensor has ever been integrated into an operating wind turbine to report wind speed and direction for turbine control.’

To read the report, visit catchthewindinc.com

SOURCE: About Catch the Wind Ltd.

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