Vattenfall Announces Dutch Wind Repowering


Vattenfall has decided to invest more than EUR 200 million to repower and expand its Wieringermeer onshore windfarm in the Netherlands. According to the Swedish energy company, the announcement represents Vattenfall’s largest Dutch wind investment to date.

Vattenfall will replace older turbines with newer technology to a capacity of 180 MW by 2019. Moreover, Vattenfall has acquired the adjacent Wieringermeer extension with an additional capacity of 115 MW.

“The Wieringermeer onshore wind farm is another step in our ambition to expand our wind power portfolio, underlining our strategic ambition to become fossil-free within one generation. With this wind farm, we will be able to supply companies and consumers in the Netherlands with even more clean, renewable energy,” says Magnus Hall, Vattenfall’s president and CEO.

Wieringermeer will be built and operated by Nuon, Vattenfall’s Dutch subsidiary. In 2020, Wieringermeer will reach a total capacity of 295 MW and a power generation of around 1 Twh, equivalent to the electricity consumption of approximately 250,000 households.

Vattenfall’s currently installed capacity in wind power in the Netherlands amounts to 349 MW, including 241 MW of onshore and 108 MW of offshore wind.

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