Utility Buying Wind-Generated RECs From University Of Delaware


Delaware Municipal Electric Corp. (DEMEC) has announced it will be purchasing renewable energy credits (RECs) for three years from a wind turbine at the University of Delaware (UD).

According to a report on UDaily, the proceeds will help fund a student fellowship in wind energy. In 2010, the university and Gamesa commissioned a 2 MW wind turbine on the Lewes, Del., campus, and UD uses the turbine to facilitate wind-related research.

DEMEC CEO Patrick E. McCullar said that the REC purchase furthers the utility's commitment to wind power in the state, the UDaily report adds.

"We can think of no better way to express that support than to buy wind energy renewable energy credits created right here in Delaware to fund this fellowship and the valuable wind research produced by UD," McCullar commented.

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