Burdened by what has become a boom-and-bust market, onshore wind in Germany suffered in the first six months of this year, notes trade association VDMA Power Systems.
In the first half of the year, Germany's installed capacity reached nearly 1.1 GW – nearly 34% less than in the same period last year, when Germany's wind industry hit nearly 1.7 GW, a record for the country.
Despite the current shortfall, this year's first half is the second best in the history of wind energy in Germany. VDMA predicts a net additional installation for the rest of this year of at least 4 GW – which would still allow the country to attain its climate goals.
Nonetheless, VDMA expects a strong second half. By the end of the year, the trade association estimates an annual net increase of 4 GW to 4.5 GW of capacity.
‘The wind turbine manufacturers and their whole supply chain are burdened by the continuous alternation between phases of investment restraint caused by uncertain future framework conditions and phases where there is a clearance sale atmosphere caused by anticipatory effects,’ says Matthias Zelinger, managing director of VDMA Power Systems. ‘To this end, the volumes for tendering should be smoothed out as of 2017 and should take into account the average depletion over a longer period of time.’