Study: AWC Can Bring Significant Benefits To State Economies


Large-scale development of offshore wind off the Mid-Atlantic will create jobs and boost the region's economy, according to a new study by IHS Emerging Energy Research.

The study finds that construction of 7 GW of offshore wind capacity in the Mid-Atlantic linked by the proposed Atlantic Wind Connection (AWC) offshore wind transmission backbone would create over 300,000 jobs in the U.S. and increase federal, state and local revenues by $7.5 billion.

In the Mid-Atlantic region alone, the study finds that more than 70,000 direct jobs would be created in the U.S. manufacturing sector to meet the demand for wind turbine foundations, hubs, blades and other parts. More than 40,000 jobs would be created by businesses that serve the supply chain for wind turbines. Another 40,000 jobs would be created by the effect of added economic activity in the region.

The IHS study demonstrates how offshore wind and the AWC will drive new jobs in manufacturing, construction, and operations and maintenance, create jobs within the supply chain for offshore wind, and strengthen local economies through increased economic activity.

The study further finds that U.S. manufacturers are poised to play a substantial role in the supply chain. Already, two-thirds of the components for U.S. land-based wind farms are manufactured domestically.

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