RGGI Releases Info On Next CO2 Allowance Auction


The states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) have released the auction notice and application materials for their 14th quarterly carbon dioxide (CO2) allowance auction.

The materials provide potential auction participants with the information needed to submit a qualification application and indicate their intent to bid in the Dec. 7 auction, which will be the last quarterly auction of the first control period, which took effect on Jan. 1, 2009, and extends through Dec. 31, 2011.

As indicated in the auction notice for CO2 allowance auction 14, 10 participating states will offer for sale approximately 42.98 million CO2 allowances for the current control period (2009-2011). In addition, the participating states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont will offer for sale approximately 1.86 million CO2 allowances for the future control period (2012-2014).

States will use a reserve price of $1.89 for all allowances in the December auction.

Prospective bidders can apply to participate in the auction by downloading and submitting the auction documents here. In order to participate in the auction, all prospective bidders must successfully complete the qualification process and submit an intent to bid.

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