Report: Wind Energy Yields Major Environmental Benefits For New Hampshire


Existing wind energy production in New Hampshire is providing significant environmental benefits for the state, according to a new report released by Environment New Hampshire.

The report says that New Hampshire's wind energy is avoiding more than 157,267 metric tons of carbon pollution, the equivalent of taking 32,764 cars off the road, while it also saves 70,265,000 gallons of water per year, enough to meet the needs of 2,567 people. In addition, the report shows wind energy in the state is avoiding 148 tons of nitrogen oxides and 183 tons of sulfur dioxide.

According to Environment New Hampshire, wind energy is now providing 260,000 MWh of electricity, and the state's recent progress on wind is the direct result of its renewable portfolio standard, which requires utilities to provide 24.8% of their power from renewable energy by 2025, as well as federal incentives for wind power.

The full report is available here.

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