Quebec Firms Seek Export Opportunities For North American O&M Market


Quebec-based firms Suspendem, B&B High Performance Brake Pads and Techeol are seeking export opportunities in North America's growing operations and maintenance (O&M) market.

In fact, the firms recently returned from the American Wind Energy Association's recently completed O&M and Safety Seminar, held in San Diego. The trade mission – organized by the TechnoCentre eolien and the ACCORD Wind Energy Cluster – provided an up-close opportunity for the Quebec firms to showcase their products and services.

According to the TechnoCentre, the opportunity for O&M services is vast. By 2020, experts predict that investments in this sector will exceed $13 billion. The missions organized by the TechnoCentre eolien and the Wind Energy Cluster are part of an effort to contribute to the vitality of the Quebec wind industry, increase exports in the sector and promote its competitiveness.

‘It is clearly in the best interest of Quebec businesses to develop an expansion strategy that hinges on the diversification of markets, and in this respect, the U.S. offers tremendous potential,’ says Frederic Cote, general manager at the TechnoCentre eolien. ‘Our businesses certainly have the know-how to stand out on the international scene. Nevertheless, they need to actively strive to make a name for themselves in this immense market.’

The Technocentre says Quebec's Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Exports; Export Quebec; and the Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions provided financial assistance.

Additionally, the Canadian Consulate General in Los Angeles and its satellite in San Diego, as well as the Quebec Government Office in Los Angeles, contributed technical support.

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