Q3 Wind Speeds Were Below Average In North America


AWS Truepower LLC, a provider of renewable energy consulting and information services, has released its quarterly analytical Wind Trends Bulletins for Europe, India, and North America.

Each report independently reviews wind resource performance based on AWS Truepower's long-term simulated wind resource data set. Third-quarter key findings indicate that wind speeds varied throughout these regions. Here are some of the study's key findings:

North America: Much of the region experienced normal to below-normal wind speeds, while across most of the eastern and western U.S., wind speeds were 5% to 15% below average. Winds were near average in the Great Plains and much of Canada.

Europe: Most of the continent experienced above-average wind speeds relative to the long-term average for the same period, while below-normal wind speeds were only observed in central Europe and Scandinavia.

India: Across central and west central India, wind speeds were well above normal, while below-average winds occurred across most other regions.

The reports for each region can be accessed here: North America, Europe, India.

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