Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick has announced he is joining New England's governors to seek support from ISO-New England, operator of the region's electric grid, for expanded clean energy electrical transmission and natural gas pipeline capacity.
In a letter requested by the governors, the New England States Committee on Electricity asked ISO-New England to assist the states as they request proposals for transmission infrastructure to deliver at least 1.2 GW and as much as 3.6 GW of electricity from clean energy sources into the grid, as well as to develop a funding mechanism to support investment in pipelines that bring natural gas into the region.
"Our regional energy infrastructure partnership is a big step forward in our effort to provide residents with more affordable, reliable and cleaner power," says Patrick. "Diversifying our energy mix will help ensure adequate supplies and end our reliance on fossil fuels that come with volatile prices."
The letter builds on the New England governors' agreement in December 2013 to work on a collaborative approach to expand energy infrastructure in the region.