NYSERDA To Place Bid In New York’s Offshore Wind Auction


The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) says it will participate in the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s recently announced auction for a commercial offshore wind lease off the coast of Long Island, N.Y.

NYSERDA notes that offshore wind is a critical component in meeting Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s clean energy goals, including generating 50% of the state’s electricity from renewables by 2030.

“Offshore wind will bring clean energy and economic development to New York’s coastal communities – growing the state’s economy and supporting Gov. Cuomo’s commitment to protecting the environment,” explains John B. Rhodes, president and CEO of NYSERDA. “Offshore wind offers our state great promise, and NYSERDA is committed to ensuring this vast renewable energy resource is developed in a cost-effective way to augment New York’s energy infrastructure.”

The 81,000-acre lease area is located south of Long Island off the Rockaway Peninsula. If chosen as the winning bidder, NYSDERA says it will be able to lead the development and timing of the site’s progress and will conduct stakeholder outreach and work closely with community members, environmental advocates, and federal and local partners.

As part of its pre-development work, the corporation will produce environmental studies, a resource assessment and site characterization to further reduce project costs and impacts. NYSERDA will then package this work with a power purchase mechanism and select a project developer through a competitive process. According to NYSERDA, this strategy minimizes project risks and provides developers certainty to secure financing – in turn, maximizing competition and lowering project costs for consumers.

“The New York Power Authority (NYPA), on behalf of the Long Island Power Authority and Consolidated Edison, originally proposed an offshore wind power project at this site and conducted initial assessments to confirm it was suitable for development,” says Gil C. Quiniones, NYPA’s president and CEO. “We are pleased to support NYSERDA as it will now advance what will be a transformational renewable energy project.”

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