North Dakota PSC Holding Public Hearing For 150 MW Foxtail Wind


The North Dakota Public Service Commission (PSC) is holding a public hearing on Monday, Nov. 20, for a project from Foxtail Wind, a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources LLC.

Foxtail Wind has submitted a permit application for the 150 MW, 75-turbine project, which would be located in western Dickey County and constructed and operated by Xcel Energy, pending commission approval for transfer of the site certificate. The project is part of Xcel Energy’s major wind expansion planned in the Upper Midwest.

Associated facilities include access roads, underground electrical collection systems and cabling, a collection substation, an operations and maintenance building, a meteorological evaluation tower, a construction laydown area, a batch plant, and a switchyard. The project would interconnect with Montana Dakota Utilities’ transmission system, connecting to the MDU 230 kV Ellendale-Tatanka transmission line.

According to the PSC, the hearing will provide an opportunity for the public to contribute to the commission’s official record. Any comments from members of the public must be received at the hearing to be part of the record. People with concerns, questions or support/opposition for the project are encouraged to attend and present their case. Information received after the hearing will not be part of the official record and cannot be used as a basis for the commission’s decision unless certain additional procedures are followed, says the PSC.

The hearing will be held at 11 a.m. at the Fireside Restaurant in Ellendale, N.D.

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