NJRCEV Adding Wind Project Along Pennsylvania-Maryland Border


NJR Clean Energy Ventures (NJRCEV), the unregulated distributed power subsidiary of New Jersey Resources, has announced its fourth onshore wind project, a 39.9 MW facility in Somerset County, Pa.

The Ringer Hill Wind Farm, located along the Pennsylvania-Maryland border, will be approximately 60 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. NJRCEV will invest approximately $84 million to construct, own and operate the wind farm, consisting of 14 GE turbines.

NJRCEV expects the project to be operational during the first quarter of fiscal 2017. When this project is complete, NJRCEV says its onshore wind portfolio will total more than 120 MW.

The majority of the energy produced will be hedged under a 15-year agreement with an industrial counterparty. Additionally, NJRCEV expects the wind farm will qualify for federal production tax credits (PTCs), based on kilowatt-hour output. All PTCs generated by the Ringer Hill Wind Farm will be used by NJR.

NJRCEV’s other onshore wind projects include the Alexander Wind Farm in Rush County, Kan., which began operating in December 2015; the Carroll Area Wind Farm, located in Iowa, which came online in February 2015; and the Montana-based Two Dot Wind Farm, which has been in service since June 2014.

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