Following last week's U.S. Department of Energy awards to two Maine offshore wind engineering, site evaluation and planning projects, the Maine Composites Alliance, the Maine Wind Industry Initiative and the Environmental and Energy Technology Council of Maine have released two permitting and regulatory road maps for developers of offshore wind, wave and tidal projects in Maine.
The road maps are designed to help steer potential developers and interested parties through federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable for offshore energy projects.
‘Each road map serves as a detailed instructional outline for permitting and licensing in the Gulf of Maine, and as a guide to identify and navigate environmental and energy regulations," explains Jeff Thaler, an energy and environmental attorney presently serving as visiting professor of energy law and policy at the University of Maine Schools of Law and Economics.
"By making the path from project planning to development and, ultimately, to completion as clear and comprehensive as possible, we hope Maine can attract even more economic and energy opportunities to its waters and jobs for its people,’ he adds.
The permitting and regulatory road maps can be viewed here.