New Joint Venture Will Measure Wind, Solar Energy Resources In Argentina


AWS Truepower LLC, a provider of renewable energy consulting and information services, has formed a $1 million joint venture with Aires Renewables to identify and quantify the wind and solar resources in the San Juan province of Argentina.

The project, funded through Argentina's San Juan province power utility, EPSE, aims to provide the government with validated, high-resolution wind and solar resource maps, long-term data sets and build-out scenarios for renewable energy projects throughout the San Juan territory.

The multi-phase project includes five technical tasks and will be carried out over approximately two years. AWS Truepower will lead the initial resource assessment using advanced numerical weather prediction models and historical data.

The preliminary resource maps will be validated and refined using on-site data from meteorological stations sited, installed and maintained by the joint venture. The last task in the project includes build-out scenarios for ideal project locations throughout the San Juan service territory.

"Across Latin America, governments, utilities and private power producers see renewable energy as an important initiative due to the high cost of conventional power and the growing need for electricity in remote areas," explains Joan Aymami, vice president of international business at AWS Truepower. "This project is very timely as Argentina looks to stabilize energy prices and maximize its natural resources."

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