Sinovel Wind Group and Mita-Teknik have entered into an agreement for Sinovel to purchase PLCs and software from Mita-Teknik. The two companies also will work together to develop customized wind turbine control systems.
Sinovel and Mita-Teknik already have cooperated to develop a customized control system, and Sinovel has confirmed the order for its 1.5 MW and 3 MW turbines. Mita-Teknik's control systems have been running in Sinovel turbines for several years, the companies note.
Under the new agreement, the two companies will co-develop the next generation of control systems and provide products and solutions to clients in China and the rest of the world.
Mita-Teknik has made all data from the control system available to Sinovel's SCADA system, which allows for Sinovel's engineers to create unique SCADA solutions for their customers. One of the major advantages of the WP4x00 MK II supporting its global application is the parametric grid object, which enables Sinovel turbines all over the world to connect in accordance with local grid codes, Mita-Teknik explains.
With this new agreement, Sinovel has the right to utilize, copy, modify and upgrade the control software and source code, and Sinovel owns the intellectual-property rights to the modified and upgraded versions of the software and source code. Sinovel also has the right to utilize the initial version, as well as the modified version, in all products the company produces.
"The agreement is based on a close and efficient cooperation between all levels of the two organizations, including R&D departments," says Mads Hoy Mortensen, key account manager at Mita-Teknik. "Mita-Teknik has shared advanced technology with Sinovel, which is the basis for further development towards more cost-efficient solutions."
Source-code theft is among the key complaints made by AMSC in its ongoing lawsuit against Sinovel. AMSC claims Sinovel modified the company's source code to create a new turbine control system, which it is allegedly now using in its facilities in China.