Mexico WindPower 2014 Will Run On 100% Wind Energy


Mexico WindPower 2014, taking place in Mexico City in February, will cover 100% of its power consumption by wind energy and be labeled by WindMade. The Mexican Wind Energy Association, the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and E.J. Krause are jointly organizing the event.

In order to qualify for the WindMade label, an event must be fully powered by renewable electricity, the largest share of which must come from wind energy. For Mexico WindPower 2014, this includes the preparation of the event, the power consumption by exhibition and conference, and also the receptions and dinners that are part of the event.

‘We are pleased that the WindMade label allows us to 'walk the talk' and ensure that we support the transition toward a renewable energy future in every way that we can,’ comments Steve Sawyer, secretary general of GWEC.

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