Large Majority Of Ontario Residents Say Wind Power Is Safe


More than three-quarters – 78% – of Ontarians say wind energy is one of the safest forms of electricity generation, finds a recent Oracle Research poll commissioned by the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA).

‘This poll indicates that the majority of Ontarians clearly believe wind energy is a safe form of electricity generation, despite a minority voice that suggests otherwise,’ says Robert Hornung, president of CanWEA. ‘We will continue to ensure wind energy is developed in a safe and responsible manner for the benefit of all Ontarians.’

"If for no other reason, we should support renewable energy generation because it does not harm the air we breathe," adds Dr. Robert Oliphant, president and CEO of the Asthma Society of Canada. "In all forms, renewable energy is a safe and healthy alternative to fossil fuels."

According to a report by ClearSky Advisors, Ontario is expected to install more than 5.6 GW of new wind energy capacity by 2018.

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