ITC Great Plains To Build Half Of Kansas Transmission Line


ITC Great Plains LLC, a subsidiary of Novi, Mich.-headquartered ITC Holdings Corp., has advised Southwest Power Pool Inc. (SPP) of its commitment to construct, own, operate and maintain the northern portion of SPP's 180-mile transmission project, which is known as X Plan.

X Plan calls for the installation of a transmission line commencing at the Spearville substation located northeast of Dodge City, Kan., and running southeast to Comanche County, Kansas, where ITC Great Plains will construct a new switchyard. The line will then run from the Comanche County switchyard northeast toward Wichita, Kan.

According to ITC Great Plains, the transmission line will help spur economic development in Kansas, facilitate wind energy delivery and improve the reliability of the state's electricity grid. The company anticipates that the project will be in service by late 2010 – subject to timely receipt of regulatory approvals.

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