Hydro-Quebec and Eversource Energy are working together to address New England's energy challenges. The two companies are working together to build the Northern Pass Transmission project, which will export 1 GW of hydropower from Quebec's world-class generation fleet to New England, increasing clean energy trade between the Northeastern U.S. and Eastern Canadian electricity markets, a primary goal of the New England governors and the Eastern Canadian premiers.
This continued commitment follows the recent announcement by Eversource of its Forward New Hampshire Plan that addresses feedback from New Hampshire stakeholders, the issuance by the U.S. Department of Energy of a favorable draft environmental impact statement, and the anticipation of the Clean Energy and Transmission Request for Proposals (Clean Energy RFP).
Clean energy from Hydro-Quebec will help to solve the unique energy challenges facing the New England power system, including the region's reliance on natural gas for power generation and its need to expand use of renewable energy. Using high-voltage direct-current technology, the view impacts of Northern Pass will be reduced, but it will provide energy cost savings and much-needed clean, reliable energy to the region.
As the project's comprehensive public permitting process moves forward, Eversource is continuing its outreach and soliciting additional feedback from New Hampshire stakeholders. Northern Pass will soon file for New Hampshire state siting approval. Hydro-Quebec is pursuing a similar permitting process to construct a transmission line in Canada to connect its generation to Northern Pass at the border.
Hydro-Quebec also committed to the development of an energy verification and tracking process. This effort will ensure that clean energy is delivered to the jurisdictions that purchase it – a vital element of the Clean Energy RFP.