The Canadian government has, again, been served with an application for judicial review for violating the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act (KPIA), the Canadian federal law that requires reductions in greenhouse gas emissions according to the Kyoto commitment. The application, filed on behalf of Friends of the Earth Canada by Canadian lawyer Chris Paliare of the firm Paliare Roland Barristers and Ecojustice, alleges that the federal Minister of the Environment and the Governor in Council have not complied with the KPIA by failing to publish draft regulations by Oct. 20 that would enable Canada to meet Kyoto requirements.
A similar application for judicial review was filed by the group in September.
‘This new application, while relevant to climate change, is all about holding the government of Canada accountable under Canadian law,’ says Paliare. ‘Despite a clear requirement to publish draft regulations, no action whatsoever has been taken.’