Governor Doyle Launches Transmission Planning Initiative


Gov. Jim Doyle, D-Wis. and four other Midwest governors have created a regional transmission planning initiative that will promote regional electric transmission investment and cost sharing.

The Upper Midwest Transmission Development Initiative will identify wind generation resources, transmission projects and infrastructure needed to support those resources in a cost-effective manner. Over the next 12 months, participants will determine a reasonable allocation for the costs of the region and will develop a plan or tariff proposal for the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (MISO).

Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota will join Wisconsin to coordinate efforts among state regulatory agencies, transmission companies, utilities, independent generation owners and other key stakeholders in the initiative. These states will work closely with MISO, which is presently conducting a variety of transmission planning studies with results expected in 2009.

‘Coordinated transmission planning centered on renewable energy is critical to providing a diverse supply of affordable, clean energy to our region,’ says Doyle. ‘The coordinated transmission planning we are announcing today matches the recommendations made in a report by Wisconsin's Global Warming Task Force.’

SOURCE: Office of Gov. Jim Doyle

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