Governor Creates Oregon Energy Planning Council


Gov. Ted Kulongoski, D-Ore., has signed Executive Order 08-26, which creates the Oregon Energy Planning Council. The creation of the council follows the governor's Energy Summit held in August. The 11-member council is charged with providing proactive analysis, advice and assistance on energy planning.

‘Demands on Oregon's energy supply are going to increase in the future, whether it's from a growing population or a growing economy,’ says Kulongoski said. ‘We have set Oregon on a path to a renewable energy future but also need to make sure we address stability and supply concerns as we make that transition.’

The council will issue an energy planning report to the governor and the legislature before Dec. 31, 2010, that will include information on the state's current energy use and supply. The report will also include analysis of future energy needs, challenges to price and supply stability for Oregon citizens and businesses, analysis of any energy supply gaps, alternatives to meet energy needs and short-, medium- and long-range energy plans for meeting Oregon's energy demands.

The members of the Oregon Energy Planning Council are Ron Adams of Oregon State University, Mark Maher of Western Energy Coordinating Council, Stephen Grover of ECO Northwest, Marty Sedler of Intel, Bob Jenks of Citizens' Utility Board, Rachel Shimshak of Renewable Northwest Project, Steve Wright of Bonneville Power Administration, Gregg Kantor of NW Natural, Peggy Fowler of Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Pat Reiten of PacifiCorp and Mark Edlen of Gerding Edlen.

SOURCE: Office of the Gov. Ted Kulongoski

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