Gamesa To Provide Practical Training For University Students


Gamesa has signed an agreement with Tecnun, the school of engineering at Navarra University – located in San Sebastián, Spain – to boost engineering training for students.

Under the agreement, Tecnun students will receive practical training from Gamesa professionals. More specifically, Gamesa engineers will give seminars or classes in fields such as electrical systems, energy technology and energy efficiency.

Iñigo Puente, director of Tecnun, says, “In this way, we will develop learning models which will facilitate [students’] placement at leading companies in a range of fields – with this agreement specifically reinforcing Tecnun’s strategic focus on the energy sector, with the help of Gamesa.”

According to Gamesa, the agreement will also enable engineering students to visit the manufacturer’s facilities. Moreover, Tecnun students will be able to do work practice, end-of-degree/master’s projects, PhD theses, or research and development projects in collaboration with Gamesa.

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