Floating Offshore Wind Moves Forward In Scotland


Dounreay Tri Ltd. has inked planning consent from the Scottish government for the installation of a floating wind farm to be located 9 kilometers off the northern coast of Scotland.

According to Renewable Energy Systems (RES), this decision means the facility will achieve the necessary renewables obligation accreditation by the end of the month to allow it to proceed.

The prototype facility will be constructed at Global Energy Group’s Nigg facility in the Highlands. The twin-turbine project will be capable of generating 10 MW of electricity, which is enough to power around 8,000 homes, says RES.

“It will be a major boost for Scotland, as not only will this facility be constructed and maintained in Scotland, but it opens up the possibility for Scotland in leading the world in this technology,” states Jack Farnham, senior developer for RES and consents manager for Dounreay Tri. “This type of facility is potentially deployable in many more locations around the world than conventional offshore wind.”

Speaking on behalf of Hexicon, the parent company of Dounreay Tri, which developed the technology, Marcus Thor, the Dounreay Tri project director, adds, “It is fantastic news for Hexicon that the Dounreay Tri project has permission to proceed. We are grateful that Scotland is taking positive steps to lead in the development of this innovative technology. Hexicon is encouraged that this demonstration plant will lead to the deployment of many more floating wind farms around the world.”

The next step is to formally reach a final investment decision. RES expects the project to be constructed, installed and commissioned by Sept. 30, 2018.

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