EPA Announces Green Power Award Winners


What do the Empire State Building and Google have in common? Each recently won a Green Power Leadership award, an honor demonstrating the advancement of so-called green power.

The annual awards program, co-sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Energy and the Center for Resource Solutions, recognizes the actions of organizations, program, and individuals that significantly advance the development of green power sources.

The 2011 Green Power Leadership Award winners include:

  • Green Power Partner of the Year: Empire State Building, Google, Intel Corporation, Kohl's Department Stores and Staples;
  • Green Power Community of the Year: Portland, Ore., and Washington, D.C.;
  • Green Power Purchasing: Adobe Systems Inc., Allegheny College, Datapipe Inc.,
  • Franklin & Marshall College, Jackson Family Wines, Mercyhurst College, MetLife,
  • Santa Clara University, State Street Corp., and the University of Central Oklahoma; and
  • On-site Generation: City of San Francisco and SC Johnson & Son

The EPA works with 1,300 partner organizations to reduce the environmental impacts of conventional electricity use. Partners voluntarily are using more than 21 billion kWh of green power annually, equal to avoiding annual carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity used by more than 1.8 million average American homes.

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