Duke Energy Renewable Services To Maintain Seven Michigan Wind Projects


Duke Energy Renewable Services, part of Duke Energy Renewables, has partnered with DTE Energy Co. via a five-year service agreement to operate and maintain seven DTE wind parks totaling 400 MW of capacity.

The fully operational wind projects, comprising 247 GE 1.6 MW and 1.7 MW turbines, are located in Michigan’s Gratiot, Sanilac and Huron counties. The projects began operation in 2013.

In addition to providing operations and maintenance services, Duke Energy Renewable Services, through its renewable energy monitoring center, began supplying 24/7 remote monitoring and balance-of-plant management in January.

“DTE Energy is Michigan’s largest investor in renewable energy, and wind energy accounts for 95 percent of our renewable portfolio,” states Dave Harwood, DTE Energy’s director of renewable energy. “Wind energy plays a key role in delivering reliable, affordable and clean energy to DTE customers. We are confident that the expertise and knowledge Duke Energy Renewable Services brings to our team will help us further optimize our wind park operations.”

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