DOI Working On Strategies To Reconcile Energy Development With Sage-Grouse Protection


U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ken Salazar and Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead met with representatives from eight Western states to discuss ongoing efforts to conserve the greater sage grouse and identify steps in implementing a strategy that will benefit the species while maintaining a robust economy and continuing renewable energy development in the western U.S.

During the meeting, the attendees discussed developing a new working agreement that puts in place conservation actions and commitments to meaningfully address both the threats to the survival of the greater sage grouse and the need of Westerners to enjoy multiple uses of their land – including for renewable energy development – and have reasonable predictability regarding regulatory requirements.

"Protecting the health of this land and its wildlife – while also facilitating energy and other development in the right ways and the right places – is going to take strong, well-coordinated, comprehensive action by leaders at all levels," Salazar said.

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