DOE Gives NYS $43M to Benefit Communities Along Transmission Line


New York State is set to receive $43 million in U.S. Department of Energy funding to benefit under-resourced communities located along the Propel NY Energy transmission line. 

The transmission line is a 90 mile project set to build new underground and submarine transmission lines in existing public rights-of-way and substation facilities on Long Island, in New York City and across Westchester County.

The New York Power Authority, which is developing the line with New York Transco, plans to use the funding for the Propel NY Energy  Communities Initiative to support energy efficiency projects in locations such as local schools, housing authorities and community service agencies.

“We’re advancing a reliable clean energy grid that benefits all New Yorkers,” says Governor Hochul. 

“Transmission projects like Propel NY will help us meet a growing demand for clean energy and ensure the grid is resilient in the face of extreme weather. I applaud the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to promote community engagement as New York continues to build a green economy.” 

Pending regulatory approvals, Propel NY Energy construction is anticipated to commence in 2026 and enter service in 2030.

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