Michigan customers of DTE Energy are expected to get a reprieve on their utility bills when the Michigan Public Service Commission approves the utility's plan to eliminate its renewable energy surcharge.
‘Michigan's renewable energy standard is saving families and businesses, as shown once again by DTE's decision to eliminate its renewable surcharge,’ says Wibke Heymach, Midwest regional manger for Moms Clean Air Force. ‘The Michigan legislature has a real opportunity to help ratepayers save even more by increasing our renewable energy standard this year.’
Reacting to the declining price of wind energy, which is now cheaper than all other forms of energy, DTE filed an amended renewable energy plan to completely eliminate the surcharge. Consumers Energy has already eliminated its renewable energy surcharge, as the cost of renewable energy has been driven down through advances in technology over the past several years.
Some of Michigan's most recent wind contracts came in at just $43/MWh, significantly lower than the cost of coal and nuclear, which range from $108 MWh-$133/MWh. The costs of solar also continue to decline with a recent bid for solar with the Lansing Board of Water and Light coming in at just $45/MWh.
‘Our use of renewable energy is saving families money while improving the health of Michiganders around the state,’ Heymach says. ‘Transitioning to more clean, renewable energy will reduce complications from asthma and lung and heart disease. By increasing our use of renewable energy, policymakers can protect the health of kids, seniors and families.’