Salt Lake Community College reports that it has acquired the Anemometer Loan Program (ALP). The program will be administered by the college's Energy Institute, which supports renewable energy technologies and prepares students for emerging job opportunities in the industry.
Previously a program of the Utah Office of Energy Development, ALP provides information to businesses, developers, farmers, ranchers and homeowners who want to determine if the wind on their property is sufficient to support wind power generation. ALP collects data to help assess the economic feasibility of installing a wind turbine or to determine the potential for a site to be developed into a wind farm.
Applications for ALP will be evaluated on criteria such as wind speed predictions from existing wind resource maps, favorable topography, and accessibility and proximity to transmission lines. The most promising sites will be loaned either a 20- or 50-meter meteorological tower equipped to measure wind speed and direction at one or more elevations, typically for one year.
Applications for 2012 are being accepted through June 1.