Cleanairpass Offers Carbon Offsets


Canadian-based cleanairpass, a global offset provider, is encouraging individuals to purchase carbon offsets as a holiday gift. Individuals are mailed a cleanairpass certificate, validating the purchase and certifying that a verified emissions reduction project will receive the credit and the funds. Gift certificates are also available.

All carbon offsets purchased by cleanairpass are sourced from verified projects that reduce greenhouse gases and meet international standards, including ISO 14064-2 and/or the Gold Standard. The cleanairpass will source from Canada's voluntary carbon standard when it becomes available in 2008.

‘While it's not possible to completely eliminate CO2 emissions from our daily lives,’ says Bryce Conacher, founder and CEO of cleanairpass, ‘carbon offsetting is one part of the green solution by funding carbon emission reduction projects such as methane capture, or wind and solar power.’

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