Clean Line Issues RFI To Wind Power Generators In Great Plains


Plains & Eastern Clean Line LLC, an affiliate of Clean Line Energy Partners LLC, has issued a request for information (RFI) to wind power generators in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles.

According to Clean Line, the RFI will gather information about the generators' demand for transmission capacity and will collect data that will allow Clean Line to determine the cost-effectiveness and production potential of the wind resource in the Great Plains.

The Plains & Eastern Clean Line will connect 3.5 GW of renewable energy from western Oklahoma, southwest Kansas, and the Texas Panhandle with utilities and customers in Tennessee, Arkansas and other markets in the mid-South and Southeast. The approximately 700-mile overhead, direct current transmission line is currently under development and is estimated to cost $2 billion.

Interested generators must supply a notice of intent to respond by July 1 and submit their final RFI response by Aug. 5. More information is available here.

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