New & Noteworthy

Vestas Sells Two Wind Farms For EUR 127 Million

Vestas has entered into an agreement to sell two wind projects to LUKERG Renew, a joint venture company of Russia-based Lukoil and Italy-based...

Port Operator: U.S. Wind Market Beginning To Resurrect Following PTC Extension

The late extension of the production tax credit (PTC) has certainly crimped wind development activity this year. However, Washington-based Port of Vancouver USA...

Big Growth Expected For Virtual Power Plants

Annual worldwide revenue from virtual power plants (VPPs) will grow from less than $1 billion this year to $3.6 billion in 2020, according...

U.K. Offshore Wind Produced 7.5 TWh In 2012

The U.K.'s total output from offshore wind farms in 2012 was 7.5 TWh, finds a new report from The Crown Estate. Other highlights...

Finavera Shareholders Sign Off On Wind Farm Sales

Vancouver-based developer Finavera Wind Energy Inc. reports that its shareholders have overwhelmingly voted in favor to authorize the sale of the company's interest...

Post-FIT Decision, Turbine OEMs Mull Over Options For Ontario Wind Energy Market

The Ontario government's recent decision to end the province's feed-in tariff (FIT) program for large-scale renewable energy projects - in favor of a...

Cape Wind Nets $200 Million Investment From Danish Company

Danish pension company PensionDanmark, via the fund Copenhagen Infrastructure I managed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), has made a $200 million investment in...

Fighting Back: Vestas Launches ‘Act On Facts’ Campaign Against Anti-Wind Movement

Vestas has announced it is launching the first phase of a global campaign to separate myths from facts and channel public support toward...

SDG&E Relying On Sunrise Powerlink To Take Up Slack From Closed Nuclear Plant

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) says its 117-mile Sunrise Powerlink transmission line linking San Diego to renewable power in California's Imperial Valley...

Infigen And Gamesa End Years-Long Legal Battle Over Wind Turbines

Australia-based Infigen Energy, which has interests in 18 U.S. wind farms, and Gamesa Wind US LLC announced that they have settled all outstanding...

Former President Clinton, S.D. Sioux Indian Tribes Announce Big Wind Power Plans

During the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative America meeting last week, leaders from six Sioux Indian Tribes and former President Bill Clinton announced a...

Despite Town Order, Developer Keeps Wind Turbines On At Night

Fairhaven Wind LLC, developer of a two-turbine project in Fairhaven, Mass., kept its machines on during the night of June 14, despite a...

Renewables Hit $244B Worldwide In 2012; Wind Power Led In Installed Capacity

A United Nations agency and an international policy group have issued sister reports showing investments in renewable energy (excluding large hydropower) totaled $244...

AWEA: RPS Laws Stood Strong Nationwide Against Attacks

While not all state legislatures have adjourned for the year, proponents of renewable portfolio standards (RPS) that drive adoption of wind energy can...

Continent’s First Grid-Connected Offshore Wind Turbine Floats In Maine Waters

Europe continues to far outpace the U.S. and Canada when it comes to offshore wind projects. In fact, North America has never officially...

Renewables And Natural Gas: A Match Made In Texas?

The path to resource adequacy and low-carbon generation in the Texas electric power market will likely require the co-development and integration of both...

Global Wind Day Calls On Leaders To End Fossil Fuel Subsidies

As Global Wind Day draws near, an online action has been launched to put pressure on world leaders, ahead of the G8 summit...

Town Orders That Wind Turbines Be Shut Down Every Night

The Fairhaven, Mass., Board of Health unanimously ordered on Monday that two wind turbines in town be turned off every night from 7...

Xcel Highlights Energy And Environmental Milestones

Last year, Xcel Energy achieved milestones in renewable energy, energy efficiency and emissions reductions, according to the company's annual Corporate Responsibility Report. Xcel...

EDPR, Indiana Michigan Power Co. Enter 200 MW Wind Energy PPA

Indiana Michigan Power Co. (I&M), a subsidiary of American Electric Power (AEP), has signed a 20-year power purchase agreement with EDP Renewables North...

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