The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) is backing an agreement by Canada’s first ministers – the Vancouver declaration on clean growth and climate change – to implement greenhouse-gas (GHG) mitigation policies in support of meeting or exceeding Canada’s 2030 target of a 30% reduction below 2005 levels of emissions.
The first ministers’ working group on specific mitigation opportunities will deliver a report by September.
CanWEA says it looks forward to opportunities to provide the working group with information on the role wind energy can play in reducing GHG emissions in both the electricity sector and the broader economy, as well as the corresponding economic and environmental benefits for Canadians.
“Increased deployment of wind energy is a critical component of any climate change strategy, and we are confident that the commitments made by first ministers will encourage the transition to zero-carbon electricity generation,” states Robert Hornung, president of CanWEA.
“Wind energy will not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, it also can work with other renewable energy sources to create the low-emission grid required to reduce fossil fuel use in other sectors – like transportation, heating and cooling of buildings, and industrial processes through enhanced electrification in the broader economy,” Hornung continues.