AWS Truepower says it has partnered with AIRES Renewables to provide renewable energy consulting services to Argentina, Uruguay and Chile.
Part of the offering includes proven and reliable renewable resource modeling and measurement, energy assessments, engineering studies, forecasting services, grid integration studies and operations services to maximize system performance and better plan energy delivery, according to AWS Truepower.
AWS says the partnership builds on an existing relationship formed earlier this year. In February, AWS Truepower and AIRES Renewables announced a joint venture for a $1 million project to identify and quantify the wind and solar resources in the San Juan province of Argentina.
The work, funded through San Juan's province power utility, EPSE, aims to provide the government with validated, high-resolution wind and solar
resource maps, long-term datasets and build-out scenarios for renewable energy projects throughout the San Juan territory. The project is expected to last until the end of 2013.
AWS Truepower says it has already started work on providing wind energy forecasts to support two operational wind plants in the region. This forecasting service will help reduce the risk and uncertainty associated with integrating renewable energy into the electric grid, the company notes.