IEnova To Purchase Ventika Wind Energy Complex For $852 Million


Infraestructura Energetica Nova, the Mexican division of Sempra Energy also known as IEnova, has signed an agreement to acquire the 252 MW Ventika wind energy complex, located in northeastern Mexico, in an $852 million transaction.

According to IEnova, it will pay $375 million to Blackstone Energy Partners, Fisterra Energy and other minority shareholders for the wind farm, in addition to assuming approximately $477 million in project financing debt, for a total transaction value of $852 million.

The Ventika wind energy complex includes two wind farms – Ventika I and Ventika II – and 84 wind turbines in Nuevo Leon, approximately 35 miles from the U.S. border.

The project, which was commissioned in April, was developed by Fisterra Energy, which is owned by Blackstone-managed funds, and Mexican cement firm Cemex SAB. Cemex will continue to manage the wind facility once the deal is completed.

Photo courtesy of Acciona Windpower

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