ZF North America Enrolls in MIGreenPower Program


ZF North America Inc. is now enrolled in DTE Energy’s voluntary renewable energy MIGreenPower program. The program enables DTE Electric customers to attribute a greater percentage of their electricity use to DTE’s wind and solar projects beyond the 15% already included in customers’ energy mix.

ZF North America has committed to a 10-year, escalating MIGreenPower contract, with the company attributing 100 percent of its usage to renewable energy by 2030.

By 2030, ZF will have switched all 270 locations across the globe to renewable electricity, either by its own production or purchase of clean energy from renewable sources. This will enable a total reduction of ZF’s own carbon emissions by 80%. By 2040, ZF plans to reach net zero carbon emissions.

“The enrollment in DTE’s MIGreenPower program is a major step in reducing our carbon footprint in North America and in contributing to our overall carbon neutrality goals,” says Martin Fischer, head of the ZF North American region and a member of its board of management. “We applaud DTE’s efforts to accelerate renewable energy projects that give ZF and other major industrial partners the opportunity to utilize solar and wind energy sources and protect the environment for future generations.”

ZF North America joins more than 350 businesses and 35,000 residential customers who are using MIGreenPower to reduce their carbon footprint and support the development of future wind and solar projects in Michigan.

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