X1 Wind, FibreMax Collaborate on Floating Wind


X1 Wind is working with FibreMax to explore boosting the performance of its mooring configuration with the introduction of FibreMax’s cables, made of circular or recyclable synthetic materials.

X1 Wind says its floating wind solution benefits from passive weathervaning and self-orientation capabilities, achieved through the integration of a single point mooring system with a small tension leg platform (TLP) mooring system.

The company also says its earlier X30 device was the world’s first fully functional floating wind TLP to export electricity. It adds that a benefit of its TLP is the vertical mooring tendons for a small seabed footprint and enhanced compatibility with other marine activities while also allowing for platforms to be placed within a given offshore area. 

FibreMax is the creator of the “endlessly wound” cable, saying that its robots wind synthetic fibers around the integrated end-terminations, delivering a cable that is 85% lighter than steel.

“Partnering with major supply chain manufacturers like FibreMax is of the utmost importance for X1 Wind, as it enables us to design our floating solution with state-of-the-art components and materials that can be mass produced, in this case specifically for our TLP tendons,” says Alex Raventos, X1 Wind CEO. 

“This MoU not only strengthens our commitment to advancing floating offshore wind technology but also opens new possibilities for innovation and sustainability together with FibreMax.”

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