Wisconsin Utility On The Lookout For 600 MW Of New Power


As part of the company's strategy of providing more power from cleaner resources and relying less on any single fuel, Alliant Energy's Wisconsin utility has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for up to 600 MW of new capacity.

‘We are actively evaluating what future mix of fuel sources makes the most sense for our customers, the environment and our company,’ says John Larsen, president of Alliant Energy's Wisconsin utility. ‘We believe it is in the best interest of our customers to have flexibility in the power we generate or purchase. To achieve this, we expect natural gas and wind to become a larger part of our energy portfolio.’

The RFP is requesting that respondents supply up to 600 MW of capacity and energy beginning in 2019, reflecting anticipated retirements of coal units and potential retirements of gas peaking units. The RFP solicits ownership and/or long-term power purchase agreement proposals for new or existing resources, or access to a portion of the output of a system of resources, to supply all or a portion of its long-term electric capacity and energy needs.

Alliant Energy says the RFP is one component of the company's overall evaluation process, and Alliant is considering building or purchasing a power plant, converting a current one, or purchasing power from another source.

‘Wisconsin customers need a new resource to support expected demand and to help ensure reliability into the next decade,’ adds Larsen. ‘Our focus remains on providing generation options that are most reliable, cost-effective and environmentally responsible for our customers.’

Concentric Energy Advisors Inc. will manage the RFP process, and electronic proposals are due by July 25.

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