Turbine Splits In Two In Windy Nova Scotia


Nova Scotia Power (NSP) is investigating the collapse of a wind turbine in Grand Etang, Nova Scotia, on Wednesday.

The 660 kW Vestas turbine, owned and operated by Nova Scotia Power, was built in 2002 and was one of the first wind installations in the province, according to NSP, which adds that this particular turbine model is not used at any other site in Nova Scotia.

According to a report from The Weather Network, which offers footage of the collapsed turbine, the “famously strong” winds in the Cape Breton area could be to blame for the accident. All that remains standing is one half of the turbine’s tower; the rest – including the nacelle, blades and other portion of the tower – is on the ground.

The area, which was under a wind warning that day, is situated in a part of Nova Scotia “often buffeted by strong Les Suêtes winds,” which can be calculated at up to 160 km/h (nearly 100 mph) – as high as those in a category 3 hurricane, The Weather Network says.

NSP notes that nobody was injured during the incident. The company plans to continue conducting a “detailed investigation.”

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8 years ago

Useful information on Wind Energy, covering all continents in the world;