Wind Energy Will Meet 100% Of D.C. Government Department’s Electricity Needs


The District of Columbia's Department of General Services (DGS) has signed a one-year contract to meet 100% of its electricity needs with wind energy.

Under the contract, the department will purchase wind power via Washington Gas Energy Services' (WGES) CleanSteps WindPower program.

As part of its agreement with WGES, DGS will leverage its data-acquisition program with services from Lucid Design Group and Honest Buildings. Lucid Design Group will deliver cloud-based dashboards for facility managers to identify and fix inefficiencies and anomalies in energy consumption, while Honest Buildings will provide an interface for the public to see energy performance in DGS facilities.

‘We have stated our mission for Washington, D.C., to be the cleanest, greenest city in the nation, which includes the use of renewable energy for our power sources,’ says Keith Anderson, director of the district's department of the environment. ‘We're proud that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recognized Washington, D.C., as the leading Green Power Community for our commitment to purchase green power.’

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