Wind Power Key to New Jersey’s Energy Plan


The future of New Jersey’s offshore wind power industry has received a promising lift with Governor Phil Murphy’s Energy Master Plan. The plan formalizes a major role for offshore wind power in New Jersey’s strategy to achieve a 100% clean-energy future by 2050. The Energy Master Plan includes New Jersey’s offshore wind goal of 7,500 MW by 2035.

Murphy underscored the importance of responsibly developing this critical climate change solution when he set this goal in Executive Order 72 in November 2019. 

The National Wildlife Federation and its New Jersey affiliate, New Jersey Audubon Society, praised Murphy’s leadership in undertaking the clean energy and job creation opportunity of offshore wind power. 

“As recent reports have shown, we have lost billions of birds in the last few decades, insects are dying off at an alarming rate, and we are in the midst of a wildlife crisis, which are all being driven, at least in part, by climate change,” says Eric Stiles, president and CEO of New Jersey Audubon. 

“Thankfully, Governor Murphy’s administration has decided to take this challenge head-on with his visionary energy master plan, which includes one of the nation’s strongest commitments to responsibly developed offshore wind energy. The EMP is a bold proposal to tackle a problem that requires immediate action, and we applaud the governor’s vision for a clean energy future that fights climate change while protecting our natural resources,” adds Stiles.  

The National Wildlife Federation is part of a diverse group of environmental, business and public interest groups supporting the final New Jersey Energy Master Plan. 

For more information on the future of offshore wind in New Jersey, click here.

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