Ontario's 41st annual Air Quality Report shows that levels of many air pollutants have dropped across the province, and Ontario's air quality continues to improve, thanks in great part to the replacement of dirty coal with renewable energy, such as wind power.
According to the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA), Ontario has more than 2 GW of installed capacity. There are 1,103 wind turbines spread across 46 wind farms in the province. CanWEA also notes that 4% of Ontario's electricity demand is met by wind power.
‘Development of wind energy and other renewables is a key component of the government's commitment to reducing harmful air pollutants,’ says Chris Forrest, CanWEA's vice president of communications and public affairs. ‘Ontario has proven itself a North American leader in the production of clean wind energy, while at the same time delivering hundreds of millions of dollars in local benefits, creating new jobs for skilled workers, and the opportunity for landowners and farmers to participate in a clean energy economy.’