Vestas Building New Assembly Facility In Argentina


Vestas is building a new hub and nacelle assembly facility in the Buenos Aires province of Argentina.

The new facility, which will generate roughly 300 direct and indirect jobs, is being established to meet the country’s huge growth potential within wind energy, according to Vestas, which says the country is expected to reach 10 GW of new installations by 2025.

“The fact that a global leader in renewable energy is interested in expanding its presence in Argentina clearly proves that we are on the right path, providing investors with the confidence and trust needed to invest in our green transition,” says Juan José Aranguren, Argentina’s minister of energy.

Vestas says it pioneered Argentina’s wind energy market with the installation of the country’s first commercial wind turbine in Neuquén back in 1991. Since then, Vestas has closely monitored the evolution of the market, which now stands out as a key market in Latin America. In 2015, the government launched the RenovAr program, which aims to reach a 20% renewable energy target by 2020.

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