Vattenfall Connects Vesterhav Syd To The Grid


Vattenfall has connected Danish offshore wind farm Vesterhav Syd to the grid, delivering energy to 170,000 households, says the company.

Vesterhav Syd’s 20 wind turbines were installed between July and September last year, with the farm’s first power delivered in November. Since then, the turbines have been connected to the grid individually until completion, after nearly seven years’ work making the project operational.

“At Vattenfall, we are always happy when we finish an offshore wind farm and thereby contribute to fossil freedom,” says Mathilde Damsgaard, project director for Vesterhav Syd and Nord at Vattenfall. “This time, we allow ourselves to be even more happy, since there is a cold winter in Denmark and Northern Europe where fossil-free and reliable electricity is of the essence.”

Vattenfall also operates the Vesterhav Nord offshore farm, approximately 80 km from the Vesterhav Syd which the company expects to connect to the grid during the first quarter this year. 

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